The best method to optimise the speed, precision and repeatability of the welding element is the use of welding robot. Use of properly configured fully automated welding station guarantees the highest quality welds while optimising the costs of operations. The condition for this is the work of robot in long production series – there is a need to create the template which is required for start of automatic welding. Therefore the cost of template creation has sense only when the bigger amounts of items need the be created. The use of robots in welding allow to exclude the possibility of inadequac in quality due to fully repeatable automated process of welding. Robot allows for continous work which significantly translates into efficiency. Constructed according to our requirements robotized welding station allow for viwe range of activities both in terms of object dimensions and weight of parts to be welded.


Technical data:
Made in: Japan
FANUC Number of axis: 6
ARCMate 120iC Load: 20 [kg]
Range: 1811 [mm]
Net weight: 250 [kg]
Repeatibility: +/- 0.08 [mm]
Range of working temperatures: 0-45 [°C]
TAST automatic follow of joint during welding process
Touch Sensing possibility of change the trajectory before start of welding
Torch Guard Package detection of colision
Lincoln Package control of welding source from the robot’s console
Automatic calibration of blow pipe check of blowpipe and compensation of any deviations
Space check allowance of entry and exit  of preconfigured working space
Yellow box possibility of download or record programs from Roboguide
Password protection 9 level password security
Automatic Backup automatic system’s backup
Background Editing possilibity of “A” program editing during the executions of “B” program
Safety feature DCS standard (EN 954-1 Risk Class 4, TÜV Certificate for emergency buttons functions, servo-motors and fences)
Web Server allow to remote access to robots’s system parameters with use of PC and broswer
System Logbook, ExtAlarm “black box” – allow to gather the information about operations, alarms and events
PC Interface allow to connect robot with PC device with the use of ethernet cable and to create own, graphic interfaces for diagnosis and change of robot parameters
HMI Device allow to create own user interfaces on iPendant console
Multi-Tasking allow to create multi-layered execution of operations
Constant path allow to retain the robot’s path  no matter of overall working speed (override)
Weaving chamfering by 4 preconfigured patterns
Data Monitor automatic monitoring of production parameters